Sunday, September 18, 2011

fbd: Is Rajniti A Solution For All Problems?

 Rajniti is merely a 'System' for governance. And without any system there would only be anarchy ie simple absence of recognized government or political authority. A good political system is very important for governance in any country. 

As far as solutions to problems are concerned, it is a very open field. There could not be one solution to all problems. Why only Dowry and Andhvishwas, seemingly politics is no solution for all medical problems too like diarrhea and constipation. 

But still good governance can definitely help in solving all the problems be it social, medical or even personal.
A good governance system can promote awareness against social malpractices and can help the society by providing infrastructure, financial and moral support to fight such social problems.
Good governance can help in solving medical problems by instituting a system which produces medical officers and also medicines which will relieve one of his medical problems...

Thus Ratanjeet bhai, I believe though Rajniti IS NOT a solution of all problems but it sure can FIND solutions to all problems that afflict a nation or its citizen.

राजनीति खुद एक सिद्धांत है और ये दूसरे सिद्धांतों से वैर नहीं रखती. पर हाँ इसके पालन में कई बार कमियां रह जाती हैं जिससे कुछ परेशानियां होती हैं पर वो execution की गलती है न कि principle की.
जहाँ तक राजनीति के कारण होने वाले समझोतों व अन्य समस्याओं की बात है तो भाई मेरा मानना है कि समस्या शुद्ध राजनीती से नहीं है. राजनीति अपने आप में कोई समस्या नहीं खड़ी करती. समस्याएँ पैदा होती हैं या तो जब हम भ्रष्ट राजनीती कर रहे है और राजनीती के सिद्धांतों से भटक गए हैं या जब हम हर चीज़ में राजनीति करने लगते हैं. अगर प्रशासन में राजनीती, यानी alliances, preferences aur opposition etc, मिला दें तो गलत ही होगा. खेल में राजनीति ले आयें तो गलत होगा और समझौते होंगे और सेवा भाव कम होगा. इसी तरह तरक्की, सेहत सभी पर राजनीती मिलाने से गलत असर होगा.
कमी राजनीति में नहीं बल्कि इसकी समझ, इसके पालन और गलत उपयोग में है. सही इस्तेमाल करें तो राजनीती हर चीज़ का हल निकाल सकती है.

As far as 'hypothesis' thing is concerned, hypothesis is more of an explanation for what is happening whereas Politics provides an outline as to how it is to be done. It is based on certain very well defined principles and norms.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

fbd: Dahej Ki Raajniti

A 'caste less society' is as vague a concept as, to say, water less ocean.... The Ocean itself is water...................................

Campaign against dowry. But frankly speaking I have still been pondering over 'Dowry', 'Reasonable Gifts', 'Girls Share in Property', etc etc....

Mere criticism will not get us anywhere, CRITICAL ANALYSIS is required to improve.

It was very easy for you to say you are "not so proud of those men who elder to me and my ancestors", but it will take some effort to understand their ideas and concepts about everything we consider as farce today.

It is better first we understand the mechanics of Dowry, Gifts and Property then comment on motives of others.....................

One seems to have taken a pledge that "i will never take dowry and i will also try to stop ppl frm my family and relations to also not do the same". Fine... But what about marriage of your daughter or sister? Can you take a similar pledge here? Say something like, "I take a pledge that i will never give dowry, gift or share of property to my daughter or sister in her marriage".
And this question is open to all who say NO TO DOWRY, if you decide to give any of the three ie dowry, gift, share of property to your sister or daughter in marriage, then please elaborate what would be the norm?
9 September 2011

Whether one will give the share of property or not? Whether one will give anything in marriage or not?
At one place I see one advocating a secret gift in marriage. Why? Why this hypocracy? Say 'yes' to gifts or 'no'. Why 'yes' in public but 'no' secretly? What if your daughter-in-law brings that secret gift in her marriage? Would you accept that?
As I see from one's post one is not averse to the concept of giving something in marriage. What one is against is that show-off and may be that gift or dowry under compulsion beyond one's capability. If yes then say so. It is the problem with our society on this issue. We are not clear what we want to oppose. And when we lack conviction we fail to make others see reason in our arguments. It is just like drinking a 'glass of milk' or taking a 'tank full of milk', pouring some in mouth, splurging and spreading it all over the floor, staining your clothes, making the room messy and all that. What is bad? Drinking milk or splurging? You shout from roof tops against drinking but will not get support because people fail to see logic why you want them to stop drinking milk. You fight against splurging and you'll be overwhelmed by the support you'll get. Fight against show-off, unreasonable gifts/expenditure etc and not against the concept of gift itself. Excess of everything is bad but to save ourselves of the excess we need not discard the whole thing itself. Just stop the excess. Difficult? Well who said social reforms are children's play? It takes a life time to hammer in just one simple concept.

One feels emptiness after quitting caste thing because without getting strength from one's own roots one couldn't make strong relations and connections with people. Today I have friends from all walks of life, belonging to all major religions and almost all parts of the country including North-East and some foreigners too. They know me as Raj Basatta. And no their is no conflict. Why do I have to chose between my caste and my friends. We all happily co-exist.

Not everything oriental is bad. Just see the concept and logic behind it and then take your pick.
9 September 2011

The very Indians one mentioned are the Indians cut-off from their roots, mis-fits in alien cultures whom we want to bring in mainstream. Pizza and Burger are symbolic... not of eating habits but of following the cultures. One is labelled a 'Pizza-Burger' when he identifies more with the western culture than with Indian.............

I had asked about modalities as to how should we go about giving girls their share in property. The query still remains unanswered. Further points about Gifts, secret gifts etc also remain unanswered.

As for the treatment of women in India vis-a-vis Western Countries, the fact remains that America has the highest per capita figure for women related crimes including 'Domestic voilence', 'Rape' and 'murders'. But partner that's not the issue. That is a diversion from real issue which should be avoided on this post and can be discussed separately.

It would be better that we thrash out one topic first before starting other. My previous comment was based entirely on comments earlier on this post. But the specific points still remain unanswered. Repeating EVIL or GOD a thousand times doesn't change the reality. For a meaningful dialogue we have to be realistic enough to analyse properly and graceful enough to accept the facts without any prejudices.
9 September 2011

We are one when matter of reform comes. We should remove all curbs being imposed by society/community and should work for betterment of the community. The youth needs to be guided, supported, encouraged and promoted... both our daughters and our sons.
9 September 2011